
25 Fitness Affirmations

25 Fitness Affirmations

25 Fitness Affirmations

Are you on a fitness journey or thinking about getting on one? Whether you are on a fitness journey to lose weight, to be more active, to get your body to look like how you want it to look or to use exercise as a form of mental health care, Fitness is a mental game!

It’s an inside game!

The way you speak to yourself inside your head is so important. You can support and encourage yourself with the way yo speak to yourself or you can psyche yourself out!

Using affirmations on your fitness journey can be a game changer! In this blog post, you will find 25 of my most favorite fitness affirmations.

My fitness Journey

I’m not going to bore you with pages and pages of my fitness journey story, but here is an overview! Maybe you can relate.

I went through a lot of abuse and neglect as a kid and I turned to food to be my comfort. My family is wrecked with generational diet culture mentality trauma, so I was raised on dieting and only being good enough and worthy if your body was skinny or if you were starving if you weren’t skinny.

Weight loss in my family was the holy grail. The only time I’d see my family members be actually happy for me, with a gleam in their eyes, was when I was losing weight.

I went through a cycle of binge eating and starvation over and over again most of my life. Now, as a mom in my 40’s, I am FINALLY learning how to NOURISH my mind, body and soul and am on a healthy, non toxic, non diet culture, fitness journey.


1. I deserve to be healthy and happy.

2. My health is not a trend. It is a lifestyle.

3. I will treat my body with respect and kindness.

4. I am learning to have a healthy relationship with food.

5. Nourishing my body is a form of self love.

6. I enjoy moving my body.

7. I can do this and I DESERVE THIS.

8. I am letting go of the hurt that is weighing me down.

9. I am getting stronger.

10. I will not compare myself to others.

11. I will not give up on myself.

12. I know slow progress is still progress.

13. I am proud of myself for nourishing my mind, body and soul.

14. I am worth the effort.

15. I am showing up for myself today, no matter what.

16. I exercise because I love myself and my body.

17. When I show up for myself, that is when the magic happens.

18. I give my body the rest and recovery it needs.

19. I am finding healthy ways to release and heal from the hurt and pain of my past.

20. I prioritize self care and make time for my workouts.

21. It’s ok if I sometimes don’t want to workout. Motivation comes from doing, not before.

22. I am rewriting my story through my fitness journey.

23. I am creating a positive cycle of health and happiness.

24. I am inspired by my own dedication.

25. I am letting go of old habits that no longer serve me.

Follow Laurie On INSTAGRAM for Empowerment and fitness content.

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