
The Most Important Things To Live A Good Life

What Are The Most Important Things Needed To Live A Good Life?

I feel like this question is so subjective and personal, so my list could be very different from anyone else’s. That being said, I am a 44 year old mom of two teenage daughters and this is what I think the most important things are to live a good life. Are yours different? Tell me yours in the comments.


Listen! I have been alive for 44 years and believe me, MONEY IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE! Now, being greedy or being ALL ABOUT money are not what I am talking about. But, money is so very needed.

If you want to buy yourself things you like and enjoy. If you want to travel and live a comfortable life, MONEY IS NEEDED.

So, Money is absolutely the number one thing needed to live a good life


There have been so many studies to show how powerful and important music is for our whole body wellness and health. Music is definitely a very important thing needed to have a good life.

I would even go as far as to say without music, there is no way to have a good life. Music enhances everything you do! Walking, driving, dancing, writing a blog…. literally everything.

Supportive Family & Friends

Having supportive family and friends makes a huge difference to your quality of life. It is so important for you to feel loved and supported just as you are in order to thrive in life.

Fun Hobbies

Engaging in activities you enjoy and that bring you joy are so important. These hobbies can also help you relieve stress and that is definitely important to living a good life.

What kinds of hobbies do you take part in?


Exercise helps your body, mind and soul in so many ways. It can help relieve stress, get your body and bones healthy, release those happy hormones into your whole body. Whatever reason you exercise, it is absolutely an important thing to living a good life.

What is your favorite way to exercise?

Hope you have enjoyed this list of important things you need to live a good life. What would be on your list?

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Daily writing prompt
What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

3 thoughts on “The Most Important Things To Live A Good Life”

  1. I like your list! My hobby is writing. But I’m trying to turn it from a hobby into a career! I don’t really exercise much, which is bad. I’ve been gaining a bit of weight lately and I’m a little worried! I started exercising a little this year, but my ankle started swelling, so I had to take a break. The only thing I would add to your list would be good health! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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